Tuesday, 1 February 2011


Wednesday, 22 December 2010



bonjouR..hahah,,hari nihh mo0d nk ckp French..
xtaw lah es0k nk ckp ape plak,,
ckp Arab kowt,, hahah,,
kene pegi cari diCtionaRy dlu nihh,,
maklumlah,, v0caB haNcuss,,

sye posT hari nihh nk citer psl my feveRet kp0p idols,, 
feveRet kerr??? ntahlah,,
tp,, aq pRefer f(x),,
Sulli yg tersangatlah comel tuhh
adalah ahli f(x),, okayy

aq nk stoRy psal

Girls Generation

hah,, kenal x??
nihh bkn nama mane mane superwoman ek!!
Super Girl maybe kowt,
owh ,, ''Super Girl'' tuhh title lagu SuJu..
Girls Generation nihh,,
turut di-s'appelle kan sbg..


huhu,, kenal x???
klau x kenal xtaw lah nk wat camne??
maybe anDa dilahirkan xtaw psl kp0p k0wt,,
pergi beli e-pop di mane2 7 Eleven berhampiran
( cewahh,, cam duta 7 Eleven lahh pulak )

SNSD nihh,,
mmg dah teRkenal,,
lbey2 lgi aftEr dyorG debut kat Japan,,
makin beRtambah p0pulaR lahh jawabnya,,
actually dyorg ade bnyk name,,
official name yg tersangatlah official adalah


kpd owg yg xreti bce hangul
( pdhal diRi sendiri p0wn xbrape pndai sngt)
perkataan di atas tuhh dibce seanter0 dunia
setelah King Sejong da Great rasmikan tulisan tuhh 

oleh owg yg bce hangul sbg,,

So Nyuh Shi Dae

owg putih plak kate,,
hahah,, London speaking people
or maybe Manchester pe0ple
seantero UK / US

sesape saje yg merasakan dirinya itu star English

Girls Generation

 abbreviation nya plak
( btol keR aq eja nihh?? mushkil2)
in malay,, singkatan
in french,, i dunno 
( it s0unded like sushi rite?? )

kat negara sushi tuhh plak,,
p/s : klau xtaw sushi tuhh ape,,
baeklah pegi Sushi King,,
mkn sushi sebanyak yg mungkin,, okeh???

hurmm...dyorg dipanggil

(Shōjo Jidai)

name die dah berubah lgi,,
kat China plak,,

fans2 kat sane,,
amoi2 dan apek2,,
panggil dyorg

(Shàonǚ Shídài)

nape name dyorg berubah lgi??
xtaw lahh,,
klau beraNi,,
pegi tnye SM Entertainment,,
tuhh p0wn klau beRani lahh,,

siNce dyoRg debut pd 

August 5, 2007
dah beRlambak lgu yg dyorg dah nyanyi,,

f0R eXample,,


lgu nihh sememangnya catchy and rancak,,
kalau papa oR mama anda
ngantuk tyme dRiving,,
suruh dyorg dgr lgu nihh,,
konfem hilang ngantok punyer!!


Into The New World

lgu nihh,,
haha,, menunjukkan kematangan SNSD,,
terr-lalu bnyk lgu dy0rg yg menggedik jerr,,
aegy0 sana aegy0 sini,,
tpi,, at least lgu nihh x gedik benar,,



haha..most ''gedik''
s0ng of SNSD,,
c0mposer dye dah kering idea kowt,,
segedik nihh hasil ciptaan die,,

dyorg ade gak wat lgu yg wild gitu,,
tyme MV Teaser lgu nihh kluar,,
rmai fans dyorg yg terkejut,,
sbb mmg kontRa,,
dRi imej dyorg yg cuTe n giRlish,,
( gedik t0o ) 

sbb lgu nihh lah,,
tercipTanya nickname bRu dyorg,,
Black SoShi

Run Devil Run

lgu nihh ade dem0 veRsion by Ke$ha,,
and of c0z,,
in English laa,,
mcm2 hal lgu nihh,,
ade owg kate Ke$ha's version lgi best,,
ade owg kate SNSD's version yg best

aig0o~ fenin dibuatnya!!

dyorg jdi air stewardess plak,,

Tell Me Your Wish

air stewardess macam itu ka??
klau cam tuhh,,
flight lame2 p0wn xpe,,
x ngantok,,
and always,,
Genie nihh lgi lawa dri
Aladdin's Genie

next song nihh,,


xde MV rasenye
kerr aq yg xjumpe,,
xtaw lahh,,
yg pasti,,
aq ske viD. nihh,,
waRna dye tersgtlah col0rful,,
tp,, nape muke Sunny Bunny
cam sdeyh jerr,,
sbb pling belakang agaknya,,

Chocolate Love

lgu Chocolate Love nihh,,
ade remake veRsion of f(x)
tp,, aq cam prefer yg f(x) punye je,,

last but not least,,
lgu dyorg yg terkini,,
ala2 James Bond gitu


paRt aRRow
yakni '' tRouble tRouble tRouble '' tuhh
sgt lahh ZZANG!!

bnyk lgi lgu dyorg sbnarnya,,
nihh jerr yg aq prefer,, k0wt
lgu2 laen p0n best gak
cam Kissing You,, Mistake

that's all
SNSD forever!!

안녕하세요 - annyong haseyo!

salam...annyong haseyo...bonjour
hahah,, maybe tu je k0wt bhse yg aq twu,,
bhse Arab aq xtaw camne nk type,,
mklumlah,, xstaR bhse Arab,,
oh yeah,, salam tu bkn dlm bhse Arab kerr??
aig0o~ Airhead Minhae,,
lbey tRok dri SeonHwa -SecRet-
p/s : pengaRuh Invicible Youth nihh.. :P
bl0g nihh dibuat ( dibuat erk?? nnti check kamus Dewan)
juz memaen jerr,,
xde haLa tuju yg jelas,,
hala tuju yg teraNg lgi bersuluh,,
maybe,, bling2 skali,,
sbb,, huRmm,, xde sbb k0wt,,
sesaje nk wat bl0g,,
supaya mse yg teRluang,,
x di-disp0sed cam tuhh jerr
at least,,
bley membebel x tentu aRah kat cni,,
nk jeRit2 x tentu psl p0wn bleh,,
so,, koRang jgnlah anggaP bl0g nihh sbg saTu penyeksaan,,
; penyeksaan jiwa n raga owg yg warAS,,
hahah,, just enjoyy k??
that's all,,
nnti aq p0st lgi,,
klau x terlupe yg aq nihh penah ade blog!!

huhu,, bubbye!!